Apparently 14 is the minimum age for seeing (very tiny) pixel boobs. Taboo included a warning that it was intended for gamers 14 and up. Not exactly scandalous, but still rare for an NES game. Over a decade before it got raunchy with Conker's Bad Fur Day, Rare slipped this topless lady into Taboo. Yes, that Rare, of Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie fame. Taboo: The Sixth Sense was a tarot card game developed by Rare. We should note that after these brave three 2600 titles, penises would go missing from videogames for almost three decades.īachelor Party Taboo: The Sixth Sense Taboo (NES, 1989): Skip ahead a few years and nudity started popping up in a couple NES games. A variation called Bachelorette Party was also released that simply switched the male and female roles. Bachelor Party was developed by Mystique, the same company responsible for both Custer's Revenge and Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em. I've been to some fun bachelor parties in my day, but none quite like this.
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Players would use the paddle to knock the dude into the girls, simulating a bachelor having a wild final fling with a room full of naked women. It is amazing to us this game was actually released, and 20 years before that Hot Coffee nonsense.īeat 'Em & Eat 'Em Bachelor Party (Atari 2600, 1982): Bachelor Party was a Breakout clone that replaced your ball with a naked man with an erection and the bricks with nude ladies. The gameplay was identical, except instead of a Mad Bomber dropping bombs from the top of the screen it was a naked dude with a huge Johnson dropping his seed, and instead of buckets to catch it with you control two nude women who are.um.thirsty. You think games are expensive now? Consider this: Custer's Revenge cost $50 almost 30 years ago.Ĭuster's Revenge Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em (Atari 2600, 1982): Back in the day, if Kaboom! was too tame for you, you played Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em. The woman is named "Revenge" - get it?! It proved controversial, because when Custer would reach the nice lady he would, uh, celebrate, and it is impossible to tell from the game whether or not Revenge is a willing participant. Custer's Revenge is possibly the most famous, starring a naked General Custer who must avoid falling arrows in order to reach a large-breasted Native American woman on the other side of the screen. Custer's Revenge (Atari 2600, 1982): Yep, the Atari 2600 had pornographic games way back in 1982.